
Showing posts from 2020

21 Day Family Connections Experiment

what is it? Studies have shown that having stronger family connections, including a personal understanding of your familyā€™s history, can lead to increased  resilience, unity and self-confidence . In light of the current world situation with the Covid -19 pandemic, we, as a group of family historians, thought it would be an excellent time to do an informal study about how connecting with both living and deceased family members   can contribute positively to our overall emotional health and mental well being .  Weā€™re not scientists, so this isnā€™t a scientific study, but we are interested in gathering data to show the results of an increased focus on family connections. These family connections come through family history activities which can be much more than charts and researching. Family history includes our living families, preserving our current lives, and connecting with family both living and deceased. Family history activities in this 21 DAY exper...

Post RootsTech: Keep RootsTech-ing

RootsTech was a complete success. I had such incredible opportunities to learn, network, share, and best of all meet new family and friends. The RootsTech team knocked it out of the park as usual. Bringing back the Tech Forum, the new features in the Expo Hall, the better-than-expected Keynotes, and the incredible customer service on all ends for presenters, ambassadors and attendees was unparalleled. I seriously don't think I can say a single thing I would try to improve--they did an amazing job!!  So if you missed it, don't let it happen again!  Be there for RootsTech 2021--Feb 3-5th.  I promise, you won't regret it. That said, it doesn't have to be over until then. Keep RootsTech-ing with these helps: RootsTech has a library of free recorded classes from the conference which you can find here: Liv's must watch list: General Session featuring David Hume Kennerly FamilySearch App for Intermediate/Advanced Use...

RootsTech Recap: #LivAtRootsTech bringing RootsTech to Life for Ya'll

With all the craziness our world is experiencing I'm thrilled to write this post, first of all because it helps me remember simpler times (I'm a mom of 4 children--now doing school at home), but also because it just makes me so grateful that RootsTech was able to happen before things got too crazy with this virus situation. I thought it might be fun to bring you RootsTech from the perspective of a presenter, ambassador, and someone who just LOVES ROOTSTECH!! Hopefully this will help my friends and family see why I spend so much time preparing for, promoting and borderline obsessing over the conference every year; but also hopefully it will provide a glimpse of the conference for those #NotAtRootsTech and another opportunity to reminisce for those who did attend. So let's do this... Day 1: Tuesday RootsTech starts a little earlier for me each year. With the introduction of the presenters social and as a first time ambassador being invited to the ambassador dinner,...

RootsTech 2020 Class Materials: Tell Your Story: Be Modern, Creative & Unique

Tell Your Story: Be Modern, Creative & Unique SLIDES for SHARING ONLINE: Tell Your Story (Class) Create your free trial of Vyond here . Class Materials Slides Syllabus Printables: Blank Script for "Meet Gradma/Grandpa _______" Project 1 (During Class) + Script "Meet ____" for Class Project Project 2 (Take-Home Project) Vyond Shortcuts & Studio Layout Not interested in making your own? I'll make it for you, check out Liv's Animations  for more details.

RootsTech 2020 Class Materials: Engaging the Family in Telling Your Family Stories

Engaging the Family in Telling Your Family Stories Class Materials: Slides Syllabus Other Links: Liv's Animations

RootsTech 2020 Class Materials: Essential Tools for the Hobbyist Genealogist

Essential Tools for the Hobbyist Genealogist As promised...thanks for coming, let me know if you have any questions, Class Materials: Slides Syllabus Extras: Discount Code for ClanView -  CV20 StoryWorth

RootsTech for Newbies: Packing & Attending the Conference

RootsTech for Newbies: Packing & Attending the Conference Part 3 of 3 See Part 1 here and Part 2 here . RootsTech is quickly approaching, so let's dig in to the last minute prep as well as the advice I have for newbies while at the conference. PACKING A list of things to consider, followed by a few recommendations as you pack your bags for RootsTech. Weather:  Salt Lake weather during   RootsTech can range from mild winter days in the 50s to sub-freezing daytime high temps, so pack warm clothes and layers. They do keep the conference center at comfortable temperatures so it's just getting to and from the building as well as to and from any other plans you have made that you'll need the extra layers. Activities:  RootsTech will keep you completely busy, but we discussed some other options in the last post . That said, be sure to keep all of these extra-curriculars in mind when packing. Meals:  The Salt Palace has several food options, ...

#NotAtRootsTech BE THERE with #LivAtRootsTech

This is it, the reason I applied to be an Amassador at RootsTech . . . . I wanted the opportunity to bring RootsTech in a more complete way to those of you who simply can't make the conference. So follow me on my social channels as I bring you lots of live content and experiences from RootsTech. Here's a quick summary of all of the content you'll want to be aware of to be able to consume the most RootsTech from home: Live Streaming Schedule : RootsTech has a full schedule of Live Stream sessions so you can stay busy every hour that classes are in session.  They pull out all the stops with incredible keynotes and lectures from conference favorites like Crista Cowen. See Live Stream schedule here . Virtual Pass : New and improved virtual passes this year are a total steal as you can watch 30 streamed classes for only $129. That's an amazing deal since you can't even attend that many in person at the conference. See Virtual Pass info here . RootsTec...

RootsTech for Newbies: Pre-Conference Prep

RootsTech for Newbies: Pre-Conference Prep Part 2 of 3 See part 1 about registration, travel, and stay here . Let's jump right back in.  You've got your RootsTech pass, you've registered for your add-ons and your travel is booked. What next? INSTALL THE ROOTSTECH APP You'll want to visit your app store and download the RootsTech mobile app. The app has everything from the conference schedule, week at a glance info, exhibitors, speakers, class syllabus & slides, maps of the conference and more. You can connect with friends and relatives through the app, schedule out your desired classes, and receive notifications of updates and information throughout the conference. It's got tons of helpful resources so go ahead and install it now. ( Android | Apple ) PLANNING YOUR SCHEDULE This is important! Don't skip this. PLUS it's incredibly fun! Probably my favorite stage of prep for RootsTech, this is whe...

Picking Classes & Planning Your Schedule for RootsTech--A Guide for Newbies

Picking Classes & Planning Your Schedule for RootsTech--A Guide for Newbies Coming to RootsTech? Get ready to have the ultimate learning experience. With over 300 breakout sessions for all levels of experience, the only challenge will be deciding which to attend. ( RootsTech Website )  I can attest to the ultimate in learning experiences at FamilySearch's annual RootsTech Conference, you will consume an incredible amount of information over the 4 days the conference is held, with classes covering DNA, Stories, Genealogy Tools, Organizing, Photos, and Discovery. But "the only challenge will be deciding which to attend," which is totally true, this guide is meant to help simplify that. A tried, tested, and proven approach developed over several years of attending the conference. You'll first want to install the RootsTech app ( Android | iPhone ), it will simplify the whole process with it's tools. Then I recommend taking this methodical approa...

And the winner is...

Thanks to all of you who participated.  I really enjoyed reading all the different entries.  So many of you deserved to win, it was difficult to decide. Penny was entered by a friend who had a lot to say about her wonderful friend Penny, specifically how much she has been dying to attend RootsTech for years, and I'm so excited to give her the opportunity.  I spoke with Penny tonight.  It was wonderful to hear her story, and I'm really excited to see what experience RootsTech has in store for her.  All of you can have that same experience--it's not too late to take advantage of the promo code "HOLIDAY" at registration to get the best price of the year. Now that you're planning to attend RootsTech, be sure to follow my series " RootsTech for Newbies ". CAN'T MAKE IT? Follow my "#NotAtRootsTech" series coming soon.