RootsTech Recap: #LivAtRootsTech bringing RootsTech to Life for Ya'll

With all the craziness our world is experiencing I'm thrilled to write this post, first of all because it helps me remember simpler times (I'm a mom of 4 children--now doing school at home), but also because it just makes me so grateful that RootsTech was able to happen before things got too crazy with this virus situation.

I thought it might be fun to bring you RootsTech from the perspective of a presenter, ambassador, and someone who just LOVES ROOTSTECH!! Hopefully this will help my friends and family see why I spend so much time preparing for, promoting and borderline obsessing over the conference every year; but also hopefully it will provide a glimpse of the conference for those #NotAtRootsTech and another opportunity to reminisce for those who did attend. So let's do this...

Day 1: Tuesday

RootsTech starts a little earlier for me each year. With the introduction of the presenters social and as a first time ambassador being invited to the ambassador dinner, I got to arrive a day early kicking off the excitement, mingling and fun Tuesday night. I was shocked how many attendees were already there getting checked in and scoping out the Salt Palace.  The energy was contagious and the opportunity to mingle with so many other presenters, those who were first-timers and very nervous, as well as those who I've looked up to for so long was exhilarating. 

Day 2: Wednesday

I kicked off the conference by attending a couple classes before teaching "Essential Tools for the Hobbyist Genealogist". It was recorded for the virtual pass in the Onyx room, which holds over 1,000 people, so nerves were definitely a key element. It was nice to get that one done early in the conference so I could soak in the rest without the nerves. Next up was the keynote celebrating 10 years of RootsTech where we were graced with an incredible program, including all sorts of surprises. Following that, the much anticipated opening of the Expo Hall--my favorite place at RootsTech!!

This year I did a series of recordings in the Expo Hall hoping to bring it to life for those #NotAtRootsTech, you can watch those here on my FaceBook page, Liv's Tree House:

Day 3: Thursday

Thursday started early as I taught my first Power Hour with my cute friends Nicole Dyer (Family Locket) and Jana Greenhaulgh (The Genealogy Kids), "Engaging the Family in Telling Your Family Story." At the end I had the opportunity to meet several new cousins, one of whom I'd actually been searching for a link to that Chatterton line for years, and was thrilled to make her acquaintance! We had a great time getting to know each other and attending events and classes together for the rest of the conference. I made it to a few more classes, notably the returning Innovator Forum, which I'd been begging to have back, so I was thrilled to attend, and it DID NOT disappoint.  There were SO MANY new and exciting innovations at RootsTech this year. Thank you RootsTech team!! Leigh Anne Tuohy then graced us with her incredible keynote address where she inspired us with thoughts about family and belonging. I then had the opportunity to participate in an interview with her in the Media Hub located in the Expo Hall. She was a treasure! I also had the opportunity to meet several other ambassadors and friends while mingling in the Media Hub, which was such a fun addition to my RootsTech experience! After that, I headed over to my lab, "Tell Your Story: Be Modern, Creative & Unique,"where I was thrilled to be graced by one of my RootsTech heroes, Shipley Munson (he was the first--and in my opinion best-- emcee RootsTech has ever had). After my lab, I met with a few class attendees in the speaker meet-up area, then quickly sneaked over to my interview in the Media Hub with Ron Tanner of FamilySearch, where he gave us some great perspective on the long term goals of FamilySearch. I then squeaked out as many interviews as I could before the Expo Hall closed that evening, meeting tons of interesting entrepreneurs with incredible dreams and products.

Day 4: Friday

Already exhausted but running on plenty of adrenaline, I kicked Friday off with some more interviews in the Expo Hall. I then had the opportunity to interview Merrill White from FamilySearch in the Media Hub, who shared some incredible things about what FamilySearch is planning for future development with kids, youth and families. Then back to the big hall to hear from David Hume Kennerly during his keynote address.  He gave an incredible and inspiring address, so interesting to see the world through his incredible photography and experiences.  Back to the Expo Hall for me after that to do more interviews, then onto lab number 2 for me, teaching "Tell Your Story: Be Modern, Creative & Unique" again. Feeling pretty relieved, knowing that I only had one more class to teach the next morning I got to enjoy some classes, the evening event with Ryan Hamilton (he was fabulous, btw), and of course dinner with new family, and visiting with many friends both old and new. It was an incredible day!

Day 5: Saturday

I was thrilled to start things off with my cute friends again teaching our Power Hour, "Engaging the Family in Telling Your Family Stories", this time in the Onyx Room once again being recorded for the virtual pass. During the presentation I had the opportunity to introduce my daughter who helped me with some of the content for the class and was attending her first ever RootsTech.  After the class, we headed over to the keynote for Family Discovery Day, which was headlined by Elder Gary E. Stevenson and his wife, including a guest appearance from his adorable granddaughters.  They helped us understand the importance of collecting and sharing family stories.  After that keynote, I headed back to the Expo Hall where I met some incredible new friends at the Media Hub. I got chatty and--oops--missed Emmitt Smith's keynote. Thank goodness for free recorded classes at  After that, I completed a few last minute vendor interviews before heading over to the Light Keepers Conference for my first time with my good friend. Light Keepers was a totally incredible way to end the conference. The spirit was incredible and the closing remarks by Sister Joy B. Jones were truly inspired and motivating. Before heading out I snapped a quick photo with Tara and Heidi, the true superheroes of the conference for me and probably all the presenters.  They're amazing and wonderful!

It took me a good week to physically recover from the craziness.  I don't remember eating much because I was too busy.  I got about a million steps in and had more exciting and incredible experiences than I could possibly explain. It was an incredible conference full of fulfilling experiences, endless learning, and limitless opportunities to meet and engage with amazing people!

Can't wait for next year!! Hope you'll join me.

In the meantime, want to "Keep RootsTech-ing"? Visit my Keep RootsTech-ing post to see way's you can keep RootsTech-ing all year long!


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