RootsTech for Newbies: Pre-Conference Prep

RootsTech for Newbies: Pre-Conference Prep Part 2 of 3 See part 1 about registration, travel, and stay here . Let's jump right back in. You've got your RootsTech pass, you've registered for your add-ons and your travel is booked. What next? INSTALL THE ROOTSTECH APP You'll want to visit your app store and download the RootsTech mobile app. The app has everything from the conference schedule, week at a glance info, exhibitors, speakers, class syllabus & slides, maps of the conference and more. You can connect with friends and relatives through the app, schedule out your desired classes, and receive notifications of updates and information throughout the conference. It's got tons of helpful resources so go ahead and install it now. ( Android | Apple ) PLANNING YOUR SCHEDULE This is important! Don't skip this. PLUS it's incredibly fun! Probably my favorite stage of prep for RootsTech, this is whe...