Genealogy, technology, genealogy, technology, genealogy, technology...........I don't think it gets any better than this!  A 3 day event so full of amazing resources and technology to help in your genealogy research, I can't really imagine anything better.  I'm afraid my husband thinks I'm officially crazy but I LOVE IT and I can't even help it.

I learned about RootsTech about a year ago when I first got introduced to genealogy, when trying to learn everything I possibly could before teaching a class on the subject (yes, I got in over my head), I stumbled upon one of the RootsTech recorded classes, I then realized that it was an amazing resources of the latest and greatest in genealogy and technology.  So if I wanted to be at the edge, this is where I needed to start.

So here I am a year later, when I found out we were moving to Utah, I signed up as quickly as I could, and this is what I got out of the deal.  Amazing keynote speakers, a Demo Hall with a nearly endless supply of information and resources, and so many classes I could barely narrow each session down to 4 or 5 classes that I wanted to attend.  So I guess my number one complaint, too many awesome topics, how do I choose which ones to attend?!?

Anyway, I loved every minute, and haven't stopped thinking about it since it ended.  I highly recommend attending next year, and watching the recorded classes from this years conference, which you can get online at
