Gearing up for RootsTech 2020

RootsTech is not only where my passion for Family History was kindled but it's also where it blossomed. Attending either online or in person since 2012 has been one of the highlights of every year. I love the energy, the innovation, and the people; you simply can't find the same incredible mix of my two favorite things, innovations in technology and genealogy anywhere else! That said, I'm excited to announce that I'll be returning to RootsTech again in 2020. As a presenter, since 2017, and an attendee since 2012, I have had some incredible experiences learning and sharing in the passion we all have for family history. This year I am incredibly excited to be invited to be a RootsTech Ambassador as well. RootsTech is my favorite event of the year with it's incredible energy and innovative edge on other genealogy conferences, I can't wait to help share that innovation and excitement with more of the world through social media and other avenues. Stay t...