Which Ancestor's do you Connect with?

A fun part of being in the genealogy community is that you get to hook up with other moms just like you. I've had just such a pleasure of getting to know a lot of great ladies through a FaceBook Group, Family History for Children. One of these great ladies, Katie Potter over at https://www.storybookancestor.org/, invited me tonight to answer the following questions: Do you have an ancestor that you have connected with in a special way? Who is it? Tell what it is about that person that resonates with you. Why do you feel so connected to them? The answer to 1 is a resounding YES . Several flood my mind immediately. So as you can imagine I'm excited to give her my answer, and I thought it would be fun to share it here as well. Over the past 5 or 6 years that I've really been doing family history, I've had several experiences with different ancestors. Times I've gotten to know them in ways I don't know that I would have, even if I met them during life; other ti...