The Breakthrough with DNA it takes FAMILY

This is going to be a synopsis of AWESOMENESS that can come from using DNA in your Family History research. Clifford and his sister Jennie Without going into too much detail, my husband's family has been orphaned for well...forever. His Great Grandfather Clifford was orphaned at a young age after his father James had skipped town, and his mother and sister were taken suddenly by an illness in the early 1900s. He ended up living with relatives and being very successful in life. But none of his posterity ever knew where Grandpa James had come from or gone too. Joyce my husband's grandmother, loved family history and had devoted a lot of time in the search for James and his family. She had dug up some details here and there but was never able to prove any theories or feel settled that she'd solved the mystery, even after hiring a professional genealogist to help. So sat our wall... Image from Family Tree DNA After my first year of RootsTech, I felt a new vigor and hope wi...